Warta Industri

Kepiye mbedakake Sisih lan Mburi Topeng?

2020-04-24 Source:Internet

face topeng

Fungsi ing ngarep lan mburi ngareptopengbeda. Akehtopengs use a three-layer design type, in which the filter layer for filtering bacteria is located in the middle, the outer layer is a waterproof layer, and the inside is a water-absorbing layer. If it is worn backwards, the water-absorbing layer will become a waterproof layer, and the waterproof layer will become a water-absorbing layer, which will cause the saliva to adhere to the surface of the topeng, and the more it accumulates, the more the topengbisa uga udan lantopengbakal kelangan fungsi panyaringe.

Kepiye sampeyan mbedakake ngarep lan mburi ngareptopeng?

Kang menehi kritik kanthi tampilan
Umumé, kita ndeleng medical birusurgical topeng, sisih biru ing njaba, lan sisih warna putih (putih) yaiku sisih njero (dipasang menyang rai). Werna liyanetopengs can also be judged according to this principle. If the topeng or brand name is printed on the topeng, the side with the logo or embossing is the outside.

Ditunjuk kanthi tliti
Yentopengwis telung lempitan, sisih karo lempitan mudhun ana njaba. Yentopengduwe papat lipatan, sawise dirajang, sisih protruding ing tengah tengah yaiku njaba.

Kang menehi kritik dening materi saka kain
Sisih njerotopengminangka lapisan sing nyerep banyu, kain dadi luwih alus, sisih njaba minangka permukaan anti banyu, lan kain luwih garing tinimbang ing sisih njero. Kanthi nyelehake banyu, sisih hidrofilik (banyu bakal nyusup ing permukaan) ngadhepi menyang batin, lan sisih hidrofobik (banyu ora nyusup lan sfera) ing njaba.